Saturday, September 18, 2010

family pictures

We got our family pictres taken on Logan's birthday.
Thanks to Aunt Sarah they turned out great! These are some
of my favorites but they are unedited and Sarah will
edit some for us. ENJOY!

bIrThDaY bOy!!!!

My sweet baby boy is now 1 year old. It makes me so sad to see him growing up so fast but it is fun to watch him change and develop. I can't believe how much my life has changed in the past year. I feel like I am a completely different person. My life revolves aaround motherhood, which is not a bad thing it is just very different. I would not trade the past year of my life for anything, I love my son more than words can say. Our baby is doing many things nowadays here are a few:

-walking, walking, walking....everywhere
-baddles non stop
-has 4 teeth
-can sign milk, more, please, eat, cracker, and baby
-says mama. dada, baba and starting to so no (ugh)
-weighs 24lbs and is 30in long
-loves to carry around my soft winter socks
-knows what he can and can not play with in the house
-loves to play with toilet water (ew)
-loves bath time but we're working on not standing up in the tub
-gives and blows kisses but only when he wants
-loves eating anything, but especially desserts
-started throwing tantrums ( not excited about this)
We love him so much and are blessed to have him in our lives! Here are some pictures from his birthday party....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010