Saturday, May 16, 2009

4 months left

I feel so bad because I have been neglecting my blog but its not my fault cause we haven't had the internet for the longest time so I have an excuse. Well things in the Lainhart world are going really well. Mike is now consistently working 30 hours a week at Lowes which is wonderful although it is only part time for now but that's alright. The baby is doing great! Mike celebrated my first mothers day by making me dinner and giving me some super cute scrapbooking stuff for when the baby comes. With only 4 months left to go we are both getting really excited and can't wait to see are little boy. I am hoping that he comes out looking like Mike because he would be such a cute baby if he did. I have been feeling great, besides the horrible horrible back pain. Seriously I dont know what it is but its been getting worse and I know it doesn't get any better from here on out, oh well. We moved into a new apartment which is really nice but we sadly had tot give up our little puppy Monty! I cried for a few nights about it but the good thing is that he is in California with my parents so I know he is doing good. Well that the update for now and I will try not to neglect my blog anymore. Oh and here is a 5 month picture of me and our baby Logan...


Bre said...

Yea! Jessica is back! I have been missing the updates on your blog! I told Sarah that yesterday! You look so great! Sorry, again, that I wasn't around the night you guys were in SLC. :( I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Logan. It is my favorite! Miss you guys! We will hopefully see you in a couple weekends!

krystale said...

you picked out a name!! yay!! I love you and I really miss you! Logan! Cutey! Call me yes?