Tuesday, August 24, 2010

bitter, bitter, bitter

The first picture is a picture of the food that I have been eating for the last couple weeks, and the second picture is a picture of the food my husband gets to eat!. I am SO bitter that my husband and many other people in this world get to eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. I am bitter that I was not blessed with this amazing gene. Michael and most of his sibling (SARAH haha) are so lucky! They can eat anything, ANYTHING and not have to worry about gaining any weight. I love my husband and his family but I must admit I am a little jealous. I hope that my children are blessed with Michaels metabolism and not cursed with mine. I just needed to vent so for the bitterness. On a lighter note, I have lost 11 pounds and my goal is to lose about 50 more. I know that I have a long way to go but I am proud of my progress.


LaDawna said...

Wait until Mike reaches his dad's age. Jerry and I were both that way.I think it finally hit Jerry a bout five or six years ago. And It hit me when I had to go on steroids ten years ago. ;D

Courtney N said...

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You are doing awesome! :) I wish we lived closer so we could be work out buddies! Oh and thanks for the shout out. ha

Megan said...

I'm in your boat! All except for my husband is with me on gaining weight during pregnancies and loosing it after. We're on a chicken salad diet. Basically we eat chicken salads for every meal except breakfast. That and work out. Fun stuff :/ Obviously the genes are from the Van Dusen side

P.s. you should post some of your recipes you find :)