Thursday, October 27, 2011

Potty Training

I've been putting off potty training for months, I kept telling myself that he wasn't ready yet but really I was just to lazy to put in the effort. My mom bought me this book a few months back called Potty Training in One Day, so I finally decided to try it. Basically you sit with your child for hours and hours and do nothing but teach him how to use the potty. It took us about 3 hours of sitting in the kitchen with lots of treats until he finally started to get the hang of it. He had a few accidents that day but not as bad as I thought it would be. It's been 3 days and since then he has been doing great. He had one accident yesterday and none today so far. He even will tell me sometimes when he has to go. Although I will not let him out of my sight and am constantly asking him if he needs to go potty. The only downfall has been that he still has yet to go #2 since we have started. So it has been 3 days and he is holding it in because I think he is afraid to go on the potty and doesn't want to go in his underwear. So we are working on it. I am glad he is making such good progress and I am hoping within the next few weeks he will be fully potty trained. Don't know what took me so long, it will be so nice to only have 1 kid in diapers!!!

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